Archive for the tag: After

Sex After Menopause Tips

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Learn how to have a more healthy sex life after menopause.
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Why does it take at least 2 weeks after sex for a test to detect if I'm pregnant or not?

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Menopause and You: Sexual Function After Menopause

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Mojdeh Saberin-Williams, M.D., Ob/Gyn at Paoli Hospital, discusses the physical changes that may affect sexual function after menopause.
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Has menopause caused you to experience painful sex? Today we talk about using personal lubrication after 50 to alleviate painful sex and bring the enjoyment back to the bedroom. Menopause in the bedroom is a challenge and can get in the way of sex after 50. We continue our talk with Stacey Rae Berkheimer, National Director with Pure Romance, about better sex after 50, sex and menopause, and what you can do to start enjoying sex again after 50!

Stacey Rae Berkheimer and Pure Romance have been helping couples enjoy better sex after 50 for a long time. Contact Stacey directly at

More videos about Sexual Fantasy, Sexual Health, Sex after 50, Love after 50 and Baby Boomer Dating Tips!!


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When can I have sex after delivery with a C-Section or vaginal?

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How soon can you have Sex after Delivery? - Dr. Hema Divakar

How soon can you have sex after pregnancy and delivery? Well this is a new era question so to say because couple decades ago always the women used to go to mom’s place for delivery then shall return to her husband for only after 3 months 5 months or sometimes and even after 1 years and this question does not become an issue at all. But in a nuclear family where they are now no longer migrating to the parents place. Yes this questions does hunt you as to how soon you can have sex soon after delivery. Well most of people of the couples that is about 50% of them resume sex somewhere around 6 weeks post-delivery that is about 1 and half months, but about 70 to 80% would have resumed within 3 months, but one caution that you have to exercises potentially you have the chance of becoming pregnant all over again within 3 to 6 month of the delivery. So be sure that you will ask for a contraception advised that is this space the next pregnancy in case you are indulging in the sex. Sometimes the issues also can be the soreness if you had a normal delivery and episiotomy or you are very tired because you had cesarean section and lost a lot of blood, these can be incidentally some of the concerns. But do remember that it is not an safe to have to sex if you and your partner so desire.
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How soon after intercourse can you know if you are pregnant? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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Basic hormone which is required to say that a girl is pregnant is HCG human chorionic gonadotrophin so when HCG is positive and that is when we say pregnancy, basically HCG positive can be seen on in the blood and in the urine in the blood anything about 5 units is pregnancy, in the urine anything about 25 units can be seen. So a urine pregnancy test is expected to be positive when the cycles a regular to be 2 weeks after the intercourse. So if you had sex today 2 weeks from today during pregnancy test is supposed to be positive, but a negative urine test doesn’t mean that it is always negative positive is positive but a negative doesn’t mean because if after the egg is released it can stay for 24 hours to 48 hours and the sperm can stay to 72 hours rarely up to 7 days also. So a delayed pregnancy can still show positive during pregnancy test is usually positive 2 week from intercourse and a blood test can be positive a little earlier maybe 11, 12 or 13 day your blood test can be positive.
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Get Rid Of Pain With Sex After Menopause

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Get Rid Of Pain With Sex After Menopause

Menopause causes a lot of changes in the body. A decrease in estrogen causes decreased lubrication and vaginal atrophy. The good news is, you CAN do something to help, without medication! This videos goes over tips and exercises on how to get rid of pain with sex after menopause.
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Sex After Menopause: Dr. Yvonne Bohn

How Long to Wait After Miscarriage?

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Dr. James T. Roth, MD, discusses the amount of time to wait before becoming pregnant again. Dr. Roth practices Specialty Care Network at Jordan Family Health.