Archive for the tag: feeder

Want to attract more birds to your feeder? Watch this video and find out!

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#birdfeeder #bluebird #wildbirds
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Do Bird Feeders Work? How to Attract Birds to a Feeder

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Kangni or Foxtail Millet for Birds:
Buy Bird Feeder on Amazon:
Feed 6 Birds on One Feeder at a Time:
Birds usually take a lot of time to trust the area where the feeder is. A lot of scanning for predators and threats happens and only then they usually begin to use the feeder.

I had put up a feeder for sparrows after learning that sparrows are on a decline and that sparrows are an indicator of environmental health in your area.

With food and water both available side by side, I have at least 10-12 sparrows visiting daily. At one point the number even reached 30.

How to get lots of birds on your bird feeder

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4 Simple tricks to get loads of birds on your bird feeder or bird table. Thank you for watching , please click subscribe. 🙂
Alex Sally