Archive for the tag: Good

Are YOU Good Looking? Here’s the Test.

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So, are you good looking, and is there really a test for that kind of thing? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however if you have ever asked: Am I good looking or average? you may be looking for a deeper and more complete answer than that. So we put this together. Enjoy!


The Surprising Power of a Beautiful Face

Judging Attractiveness: Biases

Facial Attractiveness: Evolutionary Based Research

The Effects of Facial Attractiveness and Familiarity

Thanks to Tristan Reed (writing), Troy W. Hudson (VO), for helping to create this video!
For Troy:
Music from
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ARE YOU CUTE, PRETTY, HOT OR GORGEOUS? Personality Test Quiz - 1 Million Tests

1 Million Tests presents: ARE YOU CUTE, PRETTY, HOT OR GORGEOUS?
Take my personality test to find out how beautiful are you!
Have in mind that no matter how beautiful are you, being beauty is first of all a state of mind!

Let everybody know what you got and share our beauty quiz!
Enjoy and stay tuned for new great videos every Tuesday and Saturday!

Audio: Arriba Mami, Jingle Punks Dance & Electronic | Happy
More of 1 Million Tests:
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Are You Good Looking or Average? Take the Test!

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Are you good looking – or just average? If you’re a good looking guy, you many not realize it. Attractive people often don’t understand how good looking they are until they take a test or quiz. So why not try this one out? These are the signs you are good looking, even if you don’t see it yourself!


Facial Attractiveness: evolutionary based research

Male and Female Perception of Physical Attractiveness

Gender Differences in Body Evaluation

Two Faces of Attractiveness

Evaluations of Female Attractiveness

Evaluations of Male Attractiveness

Ideal to Real: What the ‘perfect’ body really looks like for men and women

Why is Muscularity Attractive? The Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

Hip Hip Hurrah! Hip Size Inversely Related to Heart Disease

Average Height of U.S. Males

Thanks to Tristan Reed (Senior Editor), Troy W. Hudson (VO), for helping to create this video!
For Troy:
Music from
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Brain Foods for Brain Health – Boost Brain Health with Good Eats

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Farm-to-fork meals reinvent hospital food:

Dr. Liz Applegate’s presentation discusses specific foods and dietary supplements that may enhance brain health and transform diet to one that supports healthy aging and memory performance. Dr. Applegate is Director of Sports Nutrition and a Distinguished Lecturer at the University of California, Davis. Her educational focus is eating for optimal health and performance. She writes a column for Runner’s World, appears on national TV & radio and speaks to people of all ages about practical and science based approaches to optimizing oneself through diet.

This lecture is part of UC Davis Health System’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center 2016 Community Lecture Series sponsored by Sunrise Senior Living and Aegis Living. It was delivered live at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek, California on November 29, 2016.

Good Food is Good Medicine blog:
Smart snacking during coronavirus quarantine –
How to Eat Healthy as You Age:
Health Benefits of Tea:
Tips for Good Gut Health:
UC Davis Health’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center:
See the latest news from UC Davis Health:

#brainhealth #eathealthy #nutrition #snacking
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