Archive for the tag: Health

The Centre for Child Nutrition, Health and Development

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Thanks to The Centre for Child Nutrition, Health and Development
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The Centre for Child Nutrition, Health and Development (CCNHD) brings world-class talent and resources together to tackle the most important nutrition-related health issues facing children and their families in Canada and around the world. We are a network of University of Toronto researchers and educators focused on nutrition and the prevention of obesity, chronic disease and malnutrition in children.

Dr. Mike Evans is a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine. He is a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute and has an endowed Chair in Patient Engagement and Childhood Nutrition at the University of Toronto.

Written and Narrated by Dr. Mike Evans
Produced by Evans Health Lab
Developed by Tim Thomson, Animation Answers
©2015 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
Video Rating: / 5

Early Childhood is a critical stage that requires age-specific nutrition. One in four South African Children have stunted growth. Undernutrition affects children physical growth, mental development and ability to learn. Children aged three to five years require a nutrient dense diet with foods that are essential for future, social and general well being. To share more on the right nutritional requirements you little one needs, we’re joined by Dr Lelo Latakgomo, founder and Lead Medical Practitioner of Dr Concierge and Anne Marie de Beer, a registered dietitian.

For more news, visit and also #SABCNews on all Social Media platforms.

Brain Foods for Brain Health – Boost Brain Health with Good Eats

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Farm-to-fork meals reinvent hospital food:

Dr. Liz Applegate’s presentation discusses specific foods and dietary supplements that may enhance brain health and transform diet to one that supports healthy aging and memory performance. Dr. Applegate is Director of Sports Nutrition and a Distinguished Lecturer at the University of California, Davis. Her educational focus is eating for optimal health and performance. She writes a column for Runner’s World, appears on national TV & radio and speaks to people of all ages about practical and science based approaches to optimizing oneself through diet.

This lecture is part of UC Davis Health System’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center 2016 Community Lecture Series sponsored by Sunrise Senior Living and Aegis Living. It was delivered live at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek, California on November 29, 2016.

Good Food is Good Medicine blog:
Smart snacking during coronavirus quarantine –
How to Eat Healthy as You Age:
Health Benefits of Tea:
Tips for Good Gut Health:
UC Davis Health’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center:
See the latest news from UC Davis Health:

#brainhealth #eathealthy #nutrition #snacking
Video Rating: / 5

We All Have Mental Health

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We All Have Mental Health

Download the accompanying teacher toolkit from It’s free!
We All Have Mental Health is an animation designed to give young people aged 11-14 a common language and understanding of what we mean by mental health and how we can look after it.
It has been created for young people in Key stage 3 and can be used with accompanying teaching resources.

Watch the subtitled version here:
Watch the Behind the scenes video here: