Malnutrition in children can be because of protein energy or Clean Energy malnutrition, the malnutrition is divided into kwashiorkor and marasmus. IAP created malnutrition in 4 types depending on the anthropometry, the malnutrition in children can be varied, it can start from loss of fat in the face buttocks and abdomen. And there will be pre mature age look in children for their ge that means the child will be looking more aged than a normal child, the weight and growth of a child would be a less, all the organs in the body weight would be less compared to the normal age with a heart size will be less, liver, spleen and intestine will also be reduced in functional capacity and the weight will also be less. There will be a lot of biochemical changes happening in a kid with malnutrition, being reduced protein, reduced enzyme activities in their body where pancreatic enzymes will be less, your digestive enzyme will be less. But they’ll be some amount of brain spearing in kids with malnutrition, skin changes like dermatitis, recurred skin infection moniliasis is very common. These kids will be very irritable and their psycho motor development compared to other children will be less as compared to a normal child. They would also be associated with other vitamin deficiency of vitamin D deficiency like a rickets, Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness or beri-beri, such kids will be anemic and hemoglobin will be very low.
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Cycle of Malnutrition

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